| "Reborn : ¤ÃÙ¾ÔàÈɨÍÁ»èǹ"
áÊ´§ÃÒ¡Ò÷Õè 1 - 1 ¨Ò¡ 1 ÃÒ¡Òà | |
´ÕÇÕ´Õ DVD : REBORN! THE FUTUPE X : ¤ÃÙ¾ÔàÈɨÍÁ»èǹ ÃÕºÍÃì¹ ÍÑÅ⡺ÒàÅâ¹è Vol.03131801 159ß select t1.productid,t1.ean,t1.typeid,t1.productname, t1.title_e, t1.sellprice,
t1.displayprice, t1.hotprice,t1.sprodcode from product as t1 left outer join characters as t2 on t2.charactersid=t1.charactersid left outer join description as t3 on t3.ean=t1.ean join supplier as t4 on t4.supplierid=t1.supplierid left outer join brand as t5 on t5.brandid=t1.brandid left outer join studio as t6 on t6.studioid=t1.studioid
left outer join category as t7 on t7.categoryid=t1.categoryid1
left outer join category as t8 on t8.categoryid=t1.categoryid2
left outer join category as t9 on t9.categoryid=t1.categoryid3
where (
t1.productname LIKE '%%Reborn%:%¤ÃÙ¾ÔàÈɨÍÁ»èǹ%%'
or t1.productid like '%%Reborn%:%¤ÃÙ¾ÔàÈɨÍÁ»èǹ%%'
or t1.title_e LIKE '%%Reborn%:%¤ÃÙ¾ÔàÈɨÍÁ»èǹ%%'
or t1.keywords LIKE '%%Reborn%:%¤ÃÙ¾ÔàÈɨÍÁ»èǹ%%'
or t1.productid LIKE '%%Reborn%:%¤ÃÙ¾ÔàÈɨÍÁ»èǹ%%'
or t1.ean LIKE '%%Reborn%:%¤ÃÙ¾ÔàÈɨÍÁ»èǹ%%'
or t1.tags like '%%Reborn%:%¤ÃÙ¾ÔàÈɨÍÁ»èǹ%%'
or t2.charactersname like '%%Reborn%:%¤ÃÙ¾ÔàÈɨÍÁ»èǹ%%'
or t2.charactersnamee like '%%Reborn%:%¤ÃÙ¾ÔàÈɨÍÁ»èǹ%%'
or t2.tags like '%%Reborn%:%¤ÃÙ¾ÔàÈɨÍÁ»èǹ%%'
or t3.description like '%%Reborn%:%¤ÃÙ¾ÔàÈɨÍÁ»èǹ%%'
or t4.suppliername like '%%Reborn%:%¤ÃÙ¾ÔàÈɨÍÁ»èǹ%%'
or t5.brandname like '%%Reborn%:%¤ÃÙ¾ÔàÈɨÍÁ»èǹ%%'
or t5.brandnamee like '%%Reborn%:%¤ÃÙ¾ÔàÈɨÍÁ»èǹ%%'
or t6.studioname like '%%Reborn%:%¤ÃÙ¾ÔàÈɨÍÁ»èǹ%%'
or t6.studionamee like '%%Reborn%:%¤ÃÙ¾ÔàÈɨÍÁ»èǹ%%'
or t7.categoryname like '%%Reborn%:%¤ÃÙ¾ÔàÈɨÍÁ»èǹ%%'
or t7.categorynamee like '%%Reborn%:%¤ÃÙ¾ÔàÈɨÍÁ»èǹ%%'
or t8.categoryname like '%%Reborn%:%¤ÃÙ¾ÔàÈɨÍÁ»èǹ%%'
or t8.categorynamee like '%%Reborn%:%¤ÃÙ¾ÔàÈɨÍÁ»èǹ%%'
or t9.categoryname like '%%Reborn%:%¤ÃÙ¾ÔàÈɨÍÁ»èǹ%%'
or t9.categorynamee like '%%Reborn%:%¤ÃÙ¾ÔàÈɨÍÁ»èǹ%%'
and t1.approved=1 and typeid!=40 and typeid=52 order by t1.productid desc "Reborn : ¤ÃÙ¾ÔàÈɨÍÁ»èǹ"
áÊ´§ÃÒ¡Ò÷Õè 1 - 1 ¨Ò¡ 1 ÃÒ¡Òà | |
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